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08.09.02 - FAQ Updated the XP FAQ, and added two new entries. 08.09.02 - Problems Updated the status of the XP problem. 08.06.02 - Link Liero Challenges has been added to the links page, and also as a related link on the computer tactics page. 08.06.02 - Design I changed the link colors for stuff. 08.01.02 - FAQ I added lots to the FAQ, and reformated it. 08.01.02 - Problems The problems section is bigger, better, and more complete than ever. 07.31.02 - NAMES.DAT I added a direct link to download the names file for Liero. Hopefully, I'll get some other names files up here soon. 07.28.02 - Problems I updated the problems section of the Help center. 07.27.02 - New Tactics Some new projectile tactics, and new big nuke tactics! 07.27.02 - Main Page Rearanged the text on the main page. More technical/footer/red tape type stuff is now all at the bottom. 07.27.02 - Submission Guidelines Updated the text on the Submissions Guidelines page. 07.26.02 - Fun Stuff Lightning Cannon! Check out the new, creative tactic. 07.26.02 - FAQ I added some notes to the FAQ, and updated some links, etc. 07.26.02 - Updated Links The links page has been somewhat brought up to date. I'm still working on it. 05.26.02 - Link: Liero Fever I added a link to Liero Fever. 05.26.02 - Link: Liero Battleground I added a link to Liero Battleground. 05.06.02 - Top 20 list I signed up for the Top 20 Liero Sites list. Make sure to vote! 05.06.02 - Forums update I finished updating the old forums with all the submissions over the past 4 months. 05.06.02 - New links Link to Liero Masters, link to Liero Nuclear Reactor and a link to WormRage on the clones page. 05.06.02 - New tactics A select strategy submission from Greg on practicing with the Gauss gun. 05.01.02 - New tactics A couple more fun things for 0% load time. 05.01.02 - Forums update I'm adding all the forum submissions from the last 4 months or so to the two web forums that we have. 05.01.02 - Link: Liero Resort I added a link to Liero Resort. 05.01.02 - It's about time Having been over three months since I updated Liero Extreme, I thought it was about time for an entire new site, new direction, new design, new content, and much more. Thanks to all those who still visit every once in a while. Here's what you'll find at the new place: --Design01.22.02 - Important During this month, and every month, I have a 5 gig data transfer limit. If I go over, I am charged by my hosting service. I have gone over for the last sixth months or so, and I continue to do so. I am not able to do ANYTHING with the site until I fix this money/transfer problem. If you'd like to contribute to liero extreme, please contact me. Thanks! 10.17.01 - Full mod ww2 mod with bunkers level, dat file, and marine character mod. 10.7.01 - New Liero Song V-F-F pumps out a sequel to the first Liero mix with Liero On Acid. Check it out (now in mp3 format!). 10.7.01 - Full mod Liero Dinosaur full mod! 10.7.01 - Weapon Mod One weapon added, Beam Saber. 8.21.01 - Levels Six levels in five star level pack of high calibur. A must! 8.21.01 - Full mod Military mod v2 by Commander Cool is here. It rules. Check it out. 8.14.01 - Level Jungle Rock 2 is here. Check it out. It's not too bad! 8.14.01 - Weapon Mod pikaweapons is up. Again, haven't checked it out, but it's here. 8.14.01 - Weapon Mod Thermal Pack 1. I haven't checked it out yet, but it's up. 7.31.01 - Graphic Mods Four cool graphic mods by Thermal. 7.31.01 - Pallete Mods Two wacked out pallete mods by Thermal. 7.26.01 - Weapon Mod Chris's Pack 1 has some pretty decent weapons to offer. 7.26.01 - Weapon Mod DJ Valto Pack 1, with 15 decent weapons. 7.24.01 - prog:Spanish! Spanish Liero anyone? Jorge Marino's Spanish language selector program for Liero will change all your in game text to spanish. Fun fun. 7.22.01 - characters 3 more characters from C.C. Check em out. 7.11.01 - temporary downloads I have been getting a lot of downloads. I like to look at each one individually before I add it to the site, so it takes time. I don't like to make people wait though. Here are a bunch that I have recieved recently, but haven't gone through. Enjoy anyways! (eventually they will slowly trickle into the various sections). DJValtoPackversion1.zip7.9.01 - characters! New Liero Characters! Started by Commander Cool. Try em out, tell us what you think, make your own! 7.5.01 - navigation Added a new Communications section, with helpful links to connect you to the community. 7.5.01 - Weapon Mod 3 packs of 40 weapons modded from the original by MadSquid 6.28.01 - le disabled Sorry, for a couple days Extreme was down because I forgot to pay to the rent! I exceeded the Data Transfer Limit. I was away for the week and didn't know it happened until I got back. But it won't happen again, hopefully. Thanks for being patient with us! 6.26.01 - Weapon Mod Child weapons! Fun creative harmless weapons like water balloon, etc. 6.26.01 - Weapon Upgrade Improved Basic Weapons version 2 is out, and up here. 6.25.01 - Levels Commander Cool Pack, with 4 great levels. Get it today!!! 6.25.01 - Weapon Mod Black Wind's full weapon mod, including 40 killer weapons, sounds, graphics, and liero.exe. A must have! 6.15.01 - AIM List I posted my lieroextreme Liero contacts buddy list for AOL instant messanger. 6.15.01 - Programs Liero Editor 2.07 now available at Liero Extreme! 6.11.01 - Level Pack Added Social Poison's 10 Level pack. 6.10.01 - LieroNet Webring Joined the LieroNet Webring. 6.6.01 - Improved Basic Weapons Improved Basic pack by The D.M. added to the weapon mod section. 6.5.01 - miscellanious updates Background thumbnails are fixed, graphic mod thumbnails are fixed, some of the TC thumbnails are fixed, the gauss gun screen shot is up, the Liero Mix download works now, added some faq, the automatic weapon forum has some comments in it, the liero 2 ideas forum has some new comments, Liero Extreme is on the banner exchange, on the weapons page you can click for a screenshot of each weapon, and on the Liero 2 page there is a liero 2 release email notify thing now. 6.3.01 - scizor999 pack 1 A couple powerful fun weapons by Scizor999. 6.1.01 - transformed graphic mods Make your worms upside down or backwards with these new mods by Dudemyster 6.1.01 - advanced warfare A fabulous new 40 weapon pack by Probable. Download it! 6.1.01 - liero webring Liero Extreme is now a member of the Liero webring. Weee! 5.31.01 - ghost busters TC Really creative ghost busters full mod for liero. 5.30.01 - general strategy A little tid bit on shoot and run tactics with the Rifle. 5.29.01 - marky's weapon pack 1 Two fun weapons. 5.29.01 - tim's weapon pack 1 Check out some really neat weapons! Brand new to the Liero community! 5.29.01 - big changes Please excuse that long duration of time which I didn't update, and the downloads didn't work! I hope you all can forgive me. The site has gone through some visible changes, as you can see, as well as hosting changes. We are now lieroextreme.com, and you can reach me at webmaster@lieroextreme.com. All the downloads should be fixed. Please start the submissions coming in again, thanks to all those who anxiously waited for our return, and your support. We're baaaack!! This is what's up right now: Currently lieroextreme2 and 3 have been shut down by geocities, since they don't like download sites. None of the program downloads are available, along with some other downloads. Please excuse this problem. In about two weeks or so I will have new hosting, and lieroextreme will also go through some MAJOR changes. Thanks so much for your patience, and please check back frequently for updates!! -John 4.10.01 - liero extreme hosting Grr. Geocities doesn't like me using other accounts for download sites, so I suppose I have to do something about that, since lieroextreme2 is being shut down. I will keep you posted. 4.10.01 - turbo pack 2 Another great set of weapons from turbo. 4.5.01 - rainbow graphic mod Well done rainbow graphic mod now available. 4.4.01 - new weapon mods Two new weapon mod packs. Nothing radical, but all fun, useful and well balanced weapons. 4.3.01 - links page The links page has been updated, changed, corrected, and cleaned out. This was very much needed. 4.2.01 - FULL MODS section! Now I am getting some fully modded Lieros coming in, three right now, but hopefully more are on the way. Check em out, NinjaLiero, Demolitions and Rainbow 6! 4.1.01 - lierokit vb files I get so many questions about running liero kit that I finally put up the visual basic files that are required to run it, that you might need. 3.31.01 - corrected links Tons of links all over the site have been corrected (that is, to downloads, and thumbnails, etc). Thanks to Zero for pointing them out! 3.30.01 - sound mods You can now download a no-sound mod for liero, and check out the updated format for the sound mod page (now it is the same as the other pages). 3.29.01 - Ninja Liero! Rammstein Brand new sweet total revamp of liero with a cool mission, new weapons, map, and more! Eventually I plan to have a downloads section for this, but for now, just download it here. Download it now! NinjaLiero.zip 395kb 3.26.01 - new weapon mod Mega fan in the weapon mods section. 3.26.01 - new sound mod Red Alert sound mod now available, very cool. 3.23.01 - news section! Over on the side bar, you can now find helpful news related links to help you get around this site, and find out what is happening in the Liero community 3.20.01 - new weapon mod I put up the standard weapon mod for kicks. 3.20.01 - links A few new links added. 3.19.01 - new level "Desert Base" added to levels section. 3.11.01 - new weapon mod Great new weapon pack (40 weapons) by EvilMike. A must have! 3.11.01 - fun stuff New idea on the fun stuff page. 3.7.01 - new weapon mod Another new weapon mod by Zertrag. 3.6.01 - new weapon mod New weapon mod by Zertrag. 3.1.01 - Free for all links Now a community board for links that you can add to on the fly! 2.26.01 - SND Tools 1.3 SND Tools version 1.3 has just been released, and you can download it here! 2.25.01 - new weapon mod Check out turbo9000's weapon pack. Fun stuff. 2.21.01 - new level: war forts A sweet new level with great playability and really sweet bunkers (cool looking too!). 2.20.01 - new weapons Neilx submits yet another cool weapon mod pack! 2.20.01 - recommend this site Please recommend this site to friends! 2.19.01 - search the site! Now you can search this site, thanks to hostedscripts.com. 2.15.01 - new strategies/settings New settings and general strategy. 2.10.01 - community news Check out the community news, with info on site updates, project status, and the latest buzz in the liero community. 2.5.01 - feedback form I just put up a feedback page for your comments! 2.3.01 - huge level archive Download 214 levels in one huge pack right now! 2.3.01 - tutorials Check out the new tutorials section! Click help, tutorials. That's where you will find our level making tutorial and the new graphic mods tutorial. 2.2.01 - weapon mods/lierokit 1.6 Liero kit 1.6 beta 2 has been released (download here), and along with it some sweet weapon mods (download here). 2.1.01 - new content This site is updated almost daily and I don't usually include minor changes, but there are lots: sitemap, problems, and settings are all new pages. Also, almost every other page has had content revisions and additions. 1.31.01 - new design The site was expanding so fast I had to change to this more convenient format to pack in all the information. No content is missed, but some is subcatogrized under the headings to the left. Click the navigation items to expand them. 1.30.01 - weapon mods We have our first submision of a weapon mod! 1.24.01 - new communications page Communications page, including message boards, chats, contact information and more so you can keep up with the liero community! 1.22.01 - new screenshots Some sweet shots of larpa drag (that is, highly gravitationly effected larpa). 1.21.01 - FONT and PALLETE mods Liero Extreme now has font and pallete mods for use with liero kit! 1.21.01 - new screenshot Cool snapshot of a sweet gauss gun kill 1.20.01 - new level tutorial Read up on level making skills, from the basics, to making your levels the best they can be, with commentary on what makes levels playable I didn't really have a real news section before this, so the past is a mystery!! :-) heh.. The site was put up in February 2000 though. |