weapon mods::downloads center
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You will need Liero Kit 1.6 to use these weapon mods
(download here). If you really want the standard weapon list,
you can get it here too
(Download now!: 4kb). Black Wind Weapon Mod 1 Black Wind Really great full 40 weapon mod with sounds and graphics, along with liero.exe. Download it now! blackwindWeaponMod1.zip: 431kb Scizor Pack 1 Scizor999 Decent weapons. Fun, a bit powerful, but fun. (Meteor, Bad Breath, Ditto push, Iron tail, mega shock, Metal claw, Anima) Download it now! scizor999Pack1.zip: 4kb Advanced Warfare Probable A great weapon pack, balanced enough to use in a game, great variety, fun, and attractive (B-laser, Banana gun, Blunderbuss, Bore Rockets, Burier, C4, Drifting mine, Du caltrops, Du handgun, Du rifle, Du shotgun, Elephant gun, Flamer thrower, Gamma ray, ICBM, Immolator, Ion beam, Jump fan, Macro shotgun, Mg launcher, Missiles, Mortar, Napalm gun, Nuke gun, Nuke, Omen, Ragnarok, Rail gun, Rattler, Shrapnel mine, Sniper rifle, Sticky bomb, Swarmers, Thermite bomb, Thermite mine, Toxic grenade, Toxic rifle, Toxic shotgun, Wanderer, Zimm accel). Download it now! advancedWarfare1.zip: 4kb Tim's Pack 1 Tim Chase Some crazy cool weapons (gunner, banana gunner, and blender). Gunner is the first weapon of its type I've seen, Black Wind's pack, which came out more recently, has Turret, which is similar. Download it now! timsPack1.zip: 2kb Turbo Pack 2 Turbo9000 Fun weapons. I really like rancid gas, the others are cool too. (blue laser, cumbustion gun, mass-driver, napalm skies, rancid gas, sawblade, sonic cannon, tidal surge, wallgripper) Download it now! TurboWpnPack2.zip: 6kb Yam Guys Pack 1 The Cornish One 39 cool weapons. Nothing radical, but all very useful and fun. Balanced pack, too. Download it now! yamguys1.zip: 21kb Beeee Pack 1 Beeee Lots of decent weapons (auto gauss, auto rifle, banana rain, flash grenade, heavyflamer, hellbringer, jobby, jobby cannon, lasgun, magnum, mega bomb, missileline, napalmx, nukecrackler, rapid bazooka, sensor rifle, superchiquita, touch sensor). 18 weapons in all. Download it now! beeeePack1.zip: 11kb EvilMike Pack 1 EvilMike Sweet weapon pack of 40 weapons (an entire weapon list replacement) including some EXCELLENT weapons (some of my favorites include gravity ball and p missile, but there are some other great weapons) Download it now! evilmikePack1.zip: 9kb Zertrag Pack 2 Zertrag Another decent pack of weapons from Zertag (includes mine nuke, dirt shotgun, lightning gun, firebomb, dirt shield, suicide, hellraider sg, and deathtrap). Download it now! zertragPack2.zip: 5kb Zertrag Pack 1 Zertrag Cool weapons, including remote nuke, time bomb, dropper mine, jetpack, and deathstream. Download it now! zertragPack1.zip: 4kb Turbo Pack 1 Turbo9000 Some nice weapons. Fun and inovative. (tazer, cerebral bore, nuke shotgun, mole bomb, jumpjet, grav bomb, chrono cannon, and rivet gun). Download it now! TurboWpnPack1.zip: 5kb Neilx Pack 3 Neilx More fun weapons from Neilx (ultra shotgun, acidic puddle, bubble jet, capture q, e grenade, e rocket, emg escape, flasher q, floper, girnades, grazz hopper, heavy gauss, maxi rockets, movement q, mud grenade q, multi grenade, ozzi, rapid dart, red shotgun, rfm grenade, smokein, snakers, special bomb, special object hack 1, special object hack 2, stone wall q, and acid fan). Download it now! nwp4.zip: 16kb Johns Pack 1 John Chase Useful weapons (includes Kamikaze, Pimp Gauss, Nuke Launcher, Incinerator, Blood Seeker, Roof Charge, Fireworks, Upper cut, Rip Cord and Burst Laser). Download it now! johnsPack1.zip: 6kb Neilx Pack 2 Neilx Sweet pack including Banana sg (shotgun), Commit Rocket, Death egg, Farset b (bananas), Farset c, Flag trap, Leaf Blower, Neilx Grenade, Nightcrawler, Nuke toss, Pixel wall, Pixel wall X, Plasma Rifle, Red hot turd, Slow motion, Splater Beam, Starfield, and STONE DRILL! Download it now! nwm3.zip: 18kb Neilx Pack 1 Neilx Sweet pack including Acid Spray, Cattle Prod, Fire Dart, Greenstreak, Handgun DX, Heavy Drill, Larpa X, Liquid Air, Neilx Weapon, Plastic Blast, Rb Rampage X, SB (spikeball) grenade, Smoke Bomb. Download it now! neilxpack.zip: 3kb Gliptic Pack 1 Gliptic Cool weapons, including Boids, Laser Rifle (created by Spaceman42), Massive Gun, Hidden Danger, Spinner, Steel Sphere, and Time bomb. Download it now! glipticPack1.zip: 5kb Liero Kit Weapons Gliptic These are the sample weapon mods included with Liero Kit 1.6 Beta, including Chainsaw, Dirttrap, Drill, Fire zimm, Fire Trails, Flubber, Napalm Hunter, Plasma gun, Radioactives, Suicide, Banana Wall, Chiquita Fake, Crazy rockets, and Heavy Nuke. Download it now! lierokit1.zip: 8kb If you don't have Liero Kit 1.6 (download here), then this is a self extracting weapons pack. woo! Neilx pack 1 neilxpackEXE.zip: 55kb More Weapon Mods